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In English

OK, first of all lets look at the memory, and on the memory we can actually see here um..these are kits, so actually even though it says 8 GB here…that’s because it a pair of 4GB modules. And there are clearly label here DDR3 and this 1, 3, 3, 3 means there 1.3 GHz memory BUS…and then the CL9 has to do with uh, the speed of the memory. And these...there may be settings in your BIOS that you have to align to these…uh, numbers here. But, usually the memory will be self-configuring. It is important that you add them in pairs if you look here at the motherboard you can see that they are set up in pairs. The reason to set up in pairs is that in pairs they can operate in what’s called dual channel mode which’ll be the fastest data retrieving and writing possible with the pair.

In Japanese

初めにメモリを見ましょう。メモリ上のここを見ます。これらは組み合わせて使うことが出来ます。そのため、実際にここに8Gと書いてありますが、これは、4GBが2つで1組のモジュールであるためです。そしてラベルにDDR3と書かれています。そして数字の1,3,3,3は 1.3Ghzメモリバスであることを意味します。それから、このCL9はメモリのスピードと関係します。そしてここにある数字はおそらく、BIOSで設定するための数値です。しかし、通常はこのメモリは自動で設定されます。メモリは一組で取り付けることが肝心です。マザーボードを見ると、一組で取り付けるようになっている事がわかります。メモリが一組で設置されている理由は、一組にするとそれらはデュアルチャンネルモードで動作することが出来るからです。それはペアになることにより、最も早いデータの検索と書き込みを可能にします。

In English

If they are installed only one here and one here, they’ll both be in single channel mode and you’ll only have uh…um…data throughput which is half of what the advertised uh… throughput is… So, you need to add them in pairs. If you look here we can see a notch, there is a notch here and there is also fasteners on the side. Before you put them in, make sure they are open, and then you can look for the notch and align it to fit the slot. And if you push firmly at both corners, the fasteners will automatically snap to fasten the memory module in place. Do the same thing with this one. Check the notch, align it, insert it.

In Japanese


In English

To the second bank we’ll add the two pair. Check the notch, insert it firmly press down. And the last module… And there you have…uh….installed a total of two kits of 8, which is 4,8,12, 16 GB all together.

In Japanese
