Inside HDD
In English
OK…let’s take a look at the controller and circuit board for the hard drives. This is,.. these uh, chip boards here have the chips that control the motor and the uh, read write head ac…arm actuator uh, for inside the hard drive. There‘s also a memory buffer to… as it reads data off the disk, will store it here in a buffer and as the requests the information, can stream that data to this, to the computer, to your CPU. And… now we can actually see here. We’ve dis…here is a closer look at the controller.
In Japanese
In English
You can see as we get, as we go uh…as the technologies increases over the years… the circuit board used to cover the whole back side of the hard drive and as it gets smaller and smaller, and you can even this one is probably 33 percent, takes less base than the other one, the older model. This one I have actually taken the top off so we can look at the inside.
In Japanese
In English
This hard drive has been made uh, ready to disassemble. Previously, we’ve removed the screws. Taking the cover off, we can see two hard disks here, also called platters. As a set, these two hard disks are called a drive. They form the drive. Here are the read write heads and there is a read write head for each side of both platters. That head is controlled or moved by this actuator arm which is controlled by this circuitry, here. That allows the,..the reading and writing of data on the disk in different sectors.
In Japanese